Allianz International Health Insurance Allianz International Health Insurance


The Allianz Care - International Health Insurances - offers a comprehensive coverage for expatriates and their family with a choice of three different levels of cover.

There are several insurance plans you can choose from. In either way you need to choose one of the three Core plans. Allianz offers an optional deductible for the Core plan. This can be a very high deductible!

Apart from the Core plan, you can choose your Out Patient Plan if you wish to be covered for out patient treatment as well. Allianz also offers a Dental Plan and a Maternity Plan.

2.Cover and benefits

  • In-patient cover, outpatient cover, maternity, repatriation, dental
  • Emergency Assistance 24/7
  • Members can select the medical provider of their choice
  • MediLine Medical Advice Service
  • Minimum period is one year
  • Cancellation midyear (with reimbursement of overpaid premium) because of returning to home country is possible, you have to send prove (boarding pass / utility bill) 
  • War risk covered
  • Real cost insured (reasonable and customary)
  • Within area of cover you benefit from free choice of care provider.

3.Quote via applicationform, Discount and Restricted countries

1. Quote via applicationform

Allianz previously offered an online tool to calculate and apply for insurance, but it is currently unavailable due to maintenance. To find out if you can be insured by Allianz, along with the terms and premium, please complete the application form, including the medical questionnaire, and send it to us at We will process your application and provide you with information about the conditions and premium without any obligation or cost to you. 

  • Discount: JoHo Insurances clients get 10% discount on the online premiums.

2. Restricted countries

This individual health insurance is NOT AVAILABLE if you are resident of one of the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Dubai
  • Egypt
  • Germany
  • Iran
  • Ireland
  • Lebanon
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Switzerland
  • USA

4.Claims process

  • Direct settlement of in-patient treatment
  • Large number of out-patient direct settlement agreements arranged for specific clients
  • Otherwise, reimbursement of out-patient/dental treatment is done via Claim Form
  • Facility to fax, scan and email, or post claims submissions
  • If further information is required, the member/medical practitioner is notified within 24 hours of receipt of Claim Form
  • Fully completed Claim Forms are processed and payment instructions sent to member’s bank within 48 hours (74% within 24 hrs), unique in market
  • Reimbursement by cheque or bank transfer in over 135 currencies covering more than 150 countries
  • Automatic emails sent to members to advise them when the claim is received and when it is processed
  • Our Claims team does monthly audits of direct settlement batch claims submitted by hospitals


Allianz Care - Care cover
Premium per month 25 years 35 years 45 years 55 years 65 years
Inpatient (ded. €450) € 96 € 113 € 137 € 215 € 370
Inpatient (ded. €500) & repatriation € 105 € 122 € 146 € 224 € 379
Premiums for the low cost regions, Including 10% JoHo Insurances discount.

6.Important documents

7.Do you have a question about Allianz International Health Insurance?

We are happy to answer your questions. Fill out the contact form here.